Learn to Teach , Teach to Learn / BostonChinatownNeighborhoodCenter
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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 2 months ago

BostonChinatownNeighborhoodCenter - CommunityCenters


38 Ash St Boston, MA 02111






YouthTeachers this year: Susanna Yee (Lead Youth Teacher), Bryan Chin, Jenny Chin, Kenny Chan


Monday, August 3, 2008

Hyperscore teaching with Bryan, Susanna, and Jacob

The students have never previously used hyperscore before and this is their first exposure to it. The students are Chub, Ray, Amy, Elaine, and Sarah. Chub and Ray are especially interested in Hyperscore. Everyone is given an introduction on what Hyperscore is and how it works, the tools used, how to compose pieces of music, melody, rhythm, and harmony, and also taught how to use the sketch window and melody and percussion. They will create their own pieces of music using what they already know about Hyperscore and then compose music of their own, after having being exposed to so much music in the world already - music is all around us.


Photos of Hyperscore Class

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