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Blog - flickr account (t2ll2t/setc97)- Facebook group - YouTube - Scratch - Instructables
005 - Security System with Automatic Camera
187 - Know Your Rights with the Police
LBG - Preventing Teen Pregnancy
Temill - Challenging Stereotypes
Dodge - Accident Avoidance Systems for Cars
Identity - Abusive Parents
The Elites - Master Fire Alarm System for a House
Terms to Know
Fab Lab
PICO Programming
Alternative Energy
Gimp Artwork
Scratch Programming
Communicating Ideas - YouTubeVideo
South End Technology Center
Media Lab
Project Ideas
Sample Problem Statement
P.E.R.T. Project Management
Pwn Yr Phone
If you are wondering how to set up a project:
What to do first?
Do I write stuff down?
How to develop an idea
Organizing a team
create a chart to;
assign team members responsibilities
Document the project's development
and more. Read the notes on Project Management
There are tips that might help.
Project Management
Wish List
SETC Wish List
car shipping
All lessons need to be adaptable from 1 to 2 hours.
Maximum number of sessions needed for each module:
Insert links to other pages or uploaded files.
Tip: To turn text into a link, highlight the text, then click on a page or file from the list above.
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