Beginnings and Endings


Beginnings / Introductions


Introductions to Learn 2 Teach:

Here to change the world community by community...

Improving our community using science and technology

Learn to make the games you like to play

We're going to come (days of the week) for how long

We're going to be making (insert activity here) using (technology here)


Make the games that you want to play and become a genius/inventor

Today we're going to do (whatever) and (pass out activity sheets)


Introductions to People

Name, age, school, favorite module, something cool you made

Introduce themselves: say the same thing




Circle Up

     Creative questions about the activity




How did you feel about having fun?

How did you feel about today?

What was fun about today / what are your thoughts about today?

What can you make now on your own?

What would you want to make on your own?

What can you teach someone else?


Go over two ideas for each activity that you want to teach

     Show & Tell

            Why they chose to make it?


Why is it unique?

Why is yours different?

What can you add to it?

How did you make it?

Can you do this without our help?

Can you teach other people?