Learn to Teach , Teach to Learn / Ideas for projects

Ideas for projects

Page history last edited by Learn 2 Teach Development Trail 12 years, 6 months ago

Here are some random videos and links we've collected that can give you ideas for projects


Robot that Somersaults with Servo Tentacles:



So you are interested in Fashion Technology?

here's a few interesting links that have blogs and tutorials:




are tiny robotic bees based on nature and fabricated using origami


be sure to watch the fabrication video!


Kinetic Sculptures (Watch Video)



Simple Walker Fab Lab / Arduino Project


Soundie:  Musical Touch-Sensitive Light up Hoodie! 

by our friend Kanjun at the High Low Technology Group at MIT Media Lab




Solar Cell Phone Charger designed like a tree



Paint your roof with solar!   Thermoelectric Paint!



Floating Sensors and Robots!






Wristband with motion and resistance sensors that can detect epileptic seizures in children, then alert parents and doctor!




Lots of Robot Building ideas from Instructables:



Here's a simple robot walker:




Text-spresso machine --- you can text your coffee order so it's ready when you get there:



Make magazine blogpost:  http://blog.makezine.com/2012/04/09/textable-robotic-espresso-machine/ 


Here are KIVA Warehouse Robots --- the company was just bought by Amazon for $775Million dollars!







Here's a very effective wind turbine made out of a bicycle wheel and duct tape!

Here's the link for the full article:  http://ht.ly/9yCVw



Check out instructable for "Robot Love"



Instructable with lasercut file and instructions for how to build:




Check out beautiful design of pinwheels that catch breezes that power artistic lights in urban areas.

post at do the green thing blog: http://ht.ly/953gC

video at WindyLight:  http://www.windy-light.com/



What about using plants, the original "solar cells," to generate solar energy?  This researcher at MIT does just that!






A glove that senses objects & can help people who are blind!



Tacit: A Haptic Wrist Rangefinder from MAKE magazine on Vimeo.


BakeBot:  A robot that bakes cookies from MIT!




For fishing geeks --- a fishing net that uses simple technology to ingeniously cut down on bycatch because 2/3 of the fish caught are bycatch --- not marketable --- and die.  Many of the bycatch fish are endangered species.


SafetyNet from Dan Watson on Vimeo.




This is actually an ad for a new book, but it reflects in 2 minutes how to get new ideas and the philosophy is just what we have learned in our eight years with Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn!


Link to article @brainpicker



Local students build robot to help clean up underwater oil spillshttp://www.milforddailynews.com/newsnow/x1990774039/Robotics-contest-inspires-Milford-students?sf1485250=1



Vibrating robot made out of Altoids tin, 1.5v battery, paper clip, wire hanger and a motor from  $1 fan bought at a dollar store!  Instructions for building here:  http://www.make-digital.com/make/vol10/?folio=119#pg121



Similar project design ... see Solar Bug - Redesign (work in progress)



Flying train (ground-effect technology) robot prototypes are being tested in Japan! see video!




This is an acoustic alarm:


Solar Light textile project:



Article Link:  





The nerve disease ALS left graffiti artist TEMPT paralyzed from head to toe, forced to communicate blink by blink. In a remarkable talk at TEDActive, entrepreneur Mick Ebeling shares how he and a team of collaborators built an open-source invention that gave the artist -- and gives others in his circumstance -- the means to make art again.



Another video on the eyewriter:



Link to the Not Impossible Foundation: 



Here are some APPs that youth have created!  Youth APPLab Students Talk about their Apps.  A couple of them are like the reaction games in our physical programming and scratch activities!




Ed Baafi's ModKit article in Make Magazine with project plan




Lego MakerBot:  3D Printer for Legos


link to article:  http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2010/10/19/makerlegobot/



Here's a link that gives some cool animation tools:



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