Learn to Teach , Teach to Learn / Fabduino - Fabkit
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Fabduino - Fabkit

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Saved by Learn 2 Teach Development Trail
on June 12, 2012 at 8:33:36 pm

The Fabduino is a version of the Arduino designed by Ed Baafi


Here is a documentary (30 minutes) on the history of the Arduino:



Good introduction to general use of the Arduino:



Virtual tour of the Arduino Board:



What's a Fabduino and how do you use one (specs and such)



Ed Baafi's blogpost on the Fabkit/Fabduino at Modkit blog:



Hints for Fabbing and putting together the Fabduino board:



Fabduino used with stretch sensor to measure force of basketball dunk:




In 2012, we will be building a new improved version of the Fabduino with a USB connector.




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