Teaching at the Mildred was fun. Both teaching sessions were successful, and we had all the equipment. Although we didn't have a projector in the first third of the class, we ended up getting one, and everything went smoothly. They also had free time in the end, even after we gave them a backup lesson.
8/2/2012- Joshua,Rafael, Fernando and Adeola
Adeola:The introduction was very quick because as soon as the kids came into the room, We introduced ourselves to the
children starting from Jousha and ending with me
Adeola: It was my responsibility to lead the icebreaker today and though I wont say it went great I would say that it went alright. The reason why I and my co-teacher felt as though the Ice-Breaker wasn't as good as it should be is because I, as the leader of this section was not prepared. The range of the age of kids that came in was not what I had expected it to be so during the teaching I changed the lesson a bit, This confused the students a bit because as you can guess because It was though I was making it up as it goes when really what I was trying to do was modify the lesson for the age of the kids. At the end of the activity the kids got the point of the ice-breaker when I explained the concept to them and why I had changed it. The room was infact filled with oooh's,ahhhhh's, and "Oh, I get it!".
8/16/2012- Rafael,Korlu,and Adeola
Intro: today, Korlu led the group. We thought kinetic cars and explained to them what kinetic energy was and how how we were going to use kinetic energy to help us with this activity.
Warm UP!:as a warm up, we went around asking the kids their name, age and what they wanted to be when they grow up. (there were interesting answers like lawyer, engineer etc.)
today was probably one of the best group of kids that worked with, they paid attention and looked like they were enjoying what they were doing. moreover, they also worked well together and were respectful.
Tuesday, August 7th, 2012
Teaching at the Mildred today was good. Korlu led the ice-breaker, then we split the group of 12 into 2. Joshua led one group, Korlu the other. There was also an event going on on the other side of the Mildred, so some of the kids got a little distracted. Some found the ice-breaker a little boring and wanted to "make the lights light up with the Play-Doh". Overall it was fun.
Thursday, August 9th, 2012
Teaching at the Mildred was decent. It could've been a whole lot better. When we got there, there was another class in the computer lab, so Susan from the Mildred was unsure and wanted to push our lesson back one hour. So we stayed in the lounge room for about half an hour, then she found out we didn't need computers and so she made some accommodations for us. Teaching was very unorganized. Adeola and Fernando had the bigger group while Joshua led the smaller group. They led the monopoly game, and it was, in Joshua's view, kind of unorganized and not what he had expected. Joshua had no trouble however, leading the ice-breaker. Also, Adeola and Fernando said they didn't know how to do Squishy Circuits, so maybe that's why their part of the lesson did not go so well. When the activity started, the kids were very enthusiastic about it, and some kids ran around the room, from the other group. Several times the camp coordinator needed to come in and tell the kids to lower their voices. Also, we were short on materials because there were just so many kids and it was a drop in kind of program. Overall, it seems that the kids had fun with the activity, and wanted to keep the Play-Doh, in which we did.
Teaching the first session at the Mildred was successful. With Alex, we got all of the cars complete, with some minor difficulties, like getting the right battery, connecting the Arduino board and getting the car to run without the cord connected. The kids seemed to enjoy it, and they learned a lot.
Teaching the second session wasn't so great. The kids were still as determined to play with the Arduino cars, but once Alex left, it went downhill. We got back from break and immediately started teaching, since Alex said that she had prepped everything beforehand. To our surprise, the kids exited out of the Modkit window, so we needed the username and password, which we didn't know. So we had to group the kids who had no Modkit sit with kids with the Modkit window open. There were "error programmings" everywhere, and a lot of cars were delayed in working. In the end, we didn't get to finish because they left early, so we just cleaned up.
Kinetic Cars for our last session at the BCYF Mildred Ave. Community Center. Check out the slide show below.....
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